The Friends’ Awards are an annual collection of financial prizes available to all girls in Years 12 & 13. The Awards are designed to assist with an extra-curricular project or initiative that is directly linked to the future educational or career goals of the winning candidates.

The 2019/20 Awards were launched earlier this year when the Friends were delighted to receive a wonderful range of applications. Judging however was due to take place just as lockdown commenced and as the wider implications of the current pandemic unfolded, sadly many of the girls’ plans were turned upside down and the majority of applications were withdrawn.

Not to be outdone, however, and determined still to support the girls, the Friends Committee decided to offer a further chance to apply, remotely, for the 2019/20 Friends Award. The Year 12 and 13 girls were again invited to submit their applications and we were thrilled to receive a varied and diverse range of applications for some truly inspirational projects and initiatives.

The Friends judging panel was disappointed not to be able to meet with the girls, but were impressed with the quality of the applications submitted. It is a testament to the resolve and determination of the girls, that even in these uncertain times, they were able to modify their plans, and create new opportunities.

We are delighted to share that the following students were successful in securing funding for their chosen projects:

Honor Weaver - One day, one-to-one Wordpress course to support the ongoing development of the website that Honor has set up independently during the COVID lockdown.

The Friends committee unanimously agreed that Honor’s application was outstanding and were very impressed by her project, concluding that it is exactly the sort of initiative the Friends should be supporting.

You may remember reading in the final Community Newsletter of last term about the website that Honor launched during lockdown, alongside focusing on her studies, for her new company called Near Home. Fueled by her interest in local food producers and locally grown produce as well as her passion for helping the environment, the website enables people to discover their local independent food producers, shops and growers, thereby encouraging them to shop near their homes.

The Friends were delighted to support Honor, funding an online course to assist her with the development of her website - something that up to this point has been self-taught. It made the Friends’ decision even easier that Honor had already done so much on her project, demonstrating huge enthusiasm and ability, at the time of her application to the Friends.

Imogen Rafferty - JACT Latin Summer School

The Friends were impressed by Imogen’s well written application which not only showed commitment but demonstrated strong evidence and justification for undertaking this Latin course, having spent time helping the GCSE Latin students and completing extra studies herself.

Imogen hopes to study Classics at University and felt this course would help with both her A-level studies and university application.

Natasha Low - Pre-Med Project work experience/course

Natasha had originally applied to the Friends Award for funding to support a Pre-Med Project in Thailand. The organisation provides opportunities for students hoping to study medicine to get work experience, whilst also supporting community initiatives. Natasha was able to adapt her plans and is currently hoping to complete the work experience in the UK, through the same organisation.

Natasha impressed the Friends with her well-written and detailed application which demonstrated a clear passion for her future career in medicine.

Huge congratulations to Honor, Imogen and Natasha; we very much look forward to hearing how you have got on in due course.