Well done to Summer Cox in 10B who, having attended the BANES Leadership Academy at Wellsway School last year took up an additional opportunity to attend an extension, 'The Young Coach Academy'. This is one of 50 Academies that are taking place nationwide, the aim of the programme is that students who attend will return to their school to encourage and motivate more young people to become active.

It was an engaging day where students were given the opportunity to further develop their leadership skills by taking part in a number of sports-based workshops aimed at preparing them to work with less active young people in their schools. Workshops included Practical Multi-skills, where students were given a variety of ideas by specialist Athletics Coach Dean Garrett. Students were also given the opportunity to work in small groups to devise games using specialist equipment such as balloon balls and the favourite parachute!

Beth Jones from the BANES School Sports Partnership said that ‘the students that attended were a credit to their schools’ and we are really proud that Summer represented RHS so brilliantly!