Sports Day 2018

This year saw our third RHS Junior and Senior School Sports Day which was held at the prestigious Bath Sports Training Village. There was a packed schedule of track and field events throughout the day, which were rounded off by a Grand Finale whereby the Houses paraded around the track displaying their banners and chanting their battle cries.

There were numerous highlights throughout the day but perhaps noticeably from a sporting perspective was the number of records that were broken. Elly Boardman (Year 7) threw 14.49m with a heavier 500g Javelin, Clemmie Gallen (Year 8) ran the 1500m in 5.29mins, Ellie Mount (Year 10) broke the hurdles record and set a new time of 11.75seconds before then breaking the 100m sprint record with a new time of 13.02seconds. Tabitha Gallen (Year 10) broke the 200m record with 26.96seconds and then our Year 12s also had a fantastic day. Christina Anderson through the Javelin 14.24m, Anna Krystopik ran the 100m in 13.8seconds, Bethan Hughes threw the Shot 8.9m and Matilda Higgins the 200m in 30.63seconds.

‘Team Red’ the overall winning House on the day who racked up an impressive 1194 points, 40 points clear of Bronte in second place.

Despite being 1 overall winner on the day, the day was a fantastic success for all those involved. The House Spirit was unbelievable as the girls’ wore their House colours with pride and their commitment to the events was brilliant to see.

I would like to thank all those who were involved in planning the day, the staff for helping out with the various sporting disciplines, the parents for your support and of course to the girls who helped to make the day a fantastic success and contributed to the fantastic atmosphere.

The date has already been set for 2019 – please mark Friday 5th July in your diaries and I look forward to seeing you all again next year.

A Fantastic Year for Ellie Mount

Ellie has been selected for English Schools Championships for 80m hurdles, in her first year of competing at this event, as the only hurdler for the team. This follows her performance at the South West schools championships and her performance for Team Bath so far this year. This is a huge honour and achievement for her!

The Championships take place over 2 days at the Birmingham Arena and will include an Olympic style parade by county, and representation from the most elite athletes between the ages of 13 and 20, in the country. All Olympians have been part of this process.

Ellie has also qualified for English Schools standard in her first hurdles race this season; her most recent PB of 11.64 puts her within 0.04 seconds of national standard.

She is ranked 3rd in South West and 15th in the UK for U17s at this stage, which is amazing for a 14-year-old; but for the first year of U17s ( and with an August birthday is 10 months younger than many of them), is ranked 1st in the South West and 6th in the UK.

At GDST, she won both the 100m and the 300m (not her normal distance), breaking the GDST 100m record of 5 years, by 0.4 seconds, and I think they also broke the relay record (once they were reinstated)

She smashed both sports day records last Friday, and even won the high jump, also taking her team to a relay race win.

We are very proud of all of Ellie's achievements, watch this space for more fantastic results!!

Trust Athletics Monday 11th June 2018

On Monday 11th June, a team of 39 Royal High School Bath girls attended the Girls Day School Trust Athletics event held at the University of Bath Training Village. The hot day was packed full of ups and downs for all involved including delays and potential disqualifications. All the athletes put everything they had into their event and it showed in the multiple personal bests collected during the competition. Beginning with the track highlights, in Year 7, Lottie Silverton stormed her way to first place with a fabulously paced 1500m run.

Clemmie Gallen came 6th in a very fast 1500m event for the year 8’s and Emilie Kirkwood placed 5th in the hurdles. The true winners on the track were the year 10’s. To start, in the hurdles, Tabby Gallen took 1st place early on the day with a time of 12.2 seconds. In the 200m, Poppy Newman collected a well-deserved 4th place with a time of 28.12 seconds, having not run a 200m in competition before, she should be very proud. In the 800m, Florrie Welch ran a marvellous time of 2.50 mins to take 3rd place. In the 1500m, Freya Spruit also ran an impressive time of 5.29 minutes to finish 2nd place. In the 100m and 300m events, Ellie Mount displayed her determination to win both events with brilliant times; 12.3 seconds for the 100m and 43.3 seconds for the 300m. In the relays, every year group ran well having never trained together before, however, the remarkable run of the day goes again to the year 10s. Having sailed through the 4x100m without anyone breathing on their backs, they were upset to learn that they had been disqualified for coming out of their lane. Once the results came in, it appears they were not in fact disqualified and the team of Poppy Newman, Tabby Gallen, Mia Regan and Ellie Mount won with a time of 53.1 seconds.

The field events gave us to be proud of. In year 7, Eloise Lunn jumped a 1.24m in the high jump, after waiting for the entire day for her chance and Natasha David threw a 16.99m discus to place 4th. In year 9, Ava Karanjavala came 6th in the javelin, throwing 18.43m. Finally, Mia Regan jumped a great distance of 4.45m to place 2nd in the long jump for the Year 10s to bring them to the top of the year group.

U13 Cricket Match vs Warminster

On Saturday 16th June, the U13 cricket team of Holly Stephens, Polly Horton, Grace Ford, Amy Hutcheson, Claudia White, Clemmie Gallen, Ella Powell, Olivia Knight, Mia-Mi Cheung and Ellie Wylie played a brilliant game of cricket at home against Warminster. Batting first, the team worked very well at communicating with one another to score a total of 286 runs. Bringing to light the fabulous batting, there were a total of nine 4s scored and two 6s. When it came to fielding, the team didn’t slack. Their long barrier was well used and they bowled straight and fast to maintain their lead. Finishing with a score of 286 to 237 runs. Well done Team! Batter of the match went to Ellie Wylie and Bowler of the match went to Claudia White.

BANES Minor Athletics Championship

Thursday 14th July

Last week our Year 7 and 8 Athletes competed in the BANES Minor Athletics Championship at Bath Uni. They competed against some of the strongest athletes from schools across the area. As always our girls were a credit to the school, with some stand out performances; Elly Boardman won the Javelin with an exceptional throw of 19.36m. Evie Butterfield was outstanding in the 200m, fighting off the competition in the final to secure a well-earned 2nd. India Vance and Jess Knechtli both worked hard to achieve 3rd in the 1500m and Discus respectively. In Year 8 Emilie Kirkwood fought hard to secure 2nd in the hurdles and Clemmie Gallen also got a well-earned 2nd after a battle in the 1500m.

Year 8’s finished a very creditable 5th out of 12 schools and Year 7’s were place 2nd overall out of 11 teams, an excellent team performance.

The full athletics squad was;

Year 7 – Mary Meng, Holly Lancaster, Sienna Smart, Adriana Crespo, Mya Harvey, India Vance, Amelie Douglas, Jess Lewis, Evie Butterfield, Imogen Oliphant, Eloisa Lunn, Jess Knechtli, Natasha David, Lucy Smith, Elly Boardman and Lottie Ravenhill

Year 8 – Polly Horton, Claudia White, Holly Stephens, Annabel Callan, Charlotte Emptage, Olivia Knight, Emilie Kirkwood, Lola Record, Amy Hutcheson, Ellie Wylie Grace Ford and Amy Lewin.