We have enjoyed a celebratory start to the term with a whole school assembly to kick off our 20th anniversary year. The much-loved former Headmistress of the Royal High School, Miss Winfield, joined us for this special occasion and spoke to the girls about her role in the merger of Bath High School and The Royal School. These two established girls’ schools came together under the GDST to form the Royal High School in 1998.

It was a pleasure to host ‘Evie’s Ramble’ on Saturday morning, with approximately 95 walkers - and a number of dogs - undertaking one of two hikes around the local area enjoying incredible views on the way as well as refreshments at both the Junior School and Senior School.

Thank you to those of you who attended the Pastoral evenings during the week - I hope you found these informative and useful. Please do make contact with your daughter’s Head of Key Stage should you wish to discuss any aspect of her progress.

I have been reflecting on the education on offer at RHS and I believe we are supporting and enabling our girls to grow into confident, capable women who will make their mark on the world. It is, however, also important that we allow the them make their own mistakes and learn from them.

I have been reading ‘Enough As She Is’ by Rachel Simmons, scholar in residence at The Hewitt School in New York (the school we are developing a partnership with) and she makes thought-provoking points about the nature of happiness and self-esteem in adolescent girls, and how this is not helped when adults swoop in and come to the rescue at every turn. Girls need to work through their problems and become self-sufficient and if we let them do this in the safe environment of school and home we will serve them well. I highly recommend her book which you can find on Amazon.

We have a number of big school events coming up including ‘IB or A Level - Any Questions’ which is aimed at girls in Years 9-11. Next Saturday, 22nd September, is our Open Day which all girls are expected to attend and our Sixth Form Open Evening, which is particularly aimed at Years 10 and 11 but all are welcome, is on Wednesday 26 September.

I look forward to seeing you at various events and I wish you all a happy and productive term ahead.