Work at the Gatehouse gets off to a flying start!

As you know, in March 2019 Beard Construction began work to transform the Gatehouse on Charlcombe Lane into our contemporary, new Music School with professional recording studio. This will provide an inspirational space for all girls to enhance their musical education, explore their creativity, and encourage even greater co-curricular participation.

On Thursday last week with the help of our Music Scholars, key donors and supporters, we celebrated the start of the works with a ground breaking, or rather ‘wall bashing,’ ceremony. Happily, the rain stayed away and storm Hannah was not tempted to put in an early appearance enabling us to see through proceedings unhindered!

After a warm welcome from Mrs Jo Duncan, Philip Mitchell of Aaron Evans Architects talked through the scheme from the building’s history, its various uses and preparations for the project to an explanation of what the new building will include and what exactly the works involve. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to explore the site, both upstairs and down, inside, and out, not only to appreciate how much has been achieved already, but also to visualise the fantastic facility that awaits us. In particular, a large recital space will be created incorporating two sets of bay windows and overlooking a new rear terrace, making the most of the lovely views and which will no doubt bare future witness to many moments of musical inspiration!

As the project is a renovation rather than a new build there was of course no ground to ‘break’ as such, however Jemima Lawrie, Year 7, and Ursula Perry, Year 13, did a fantastic job of setting to an unwanted stud wall armed with a hammer, axe and chisel to officially mark the start of the works. The girls made the most of a rare opportunity to destroy school property with the School’s blessing!

Guests then later retired to the stunning Rebecca Barrell Room to enjoy some bubbles and a delicious tea provided by our wonderful caterers. Mark Bradbury, Director of Music, gave a wonderful speech successfully bottling in a few words not only the huge impact the Music School will have on our students but also the tremendous sense of pride and excitement at what we are achieving, reiterating our sincerest of thanks to the GDST and all our donors and supporters who have enabled this dream to become a reality.

There can be no doubt that Music at the Royal High School Bath will truly be without limits!

What exactly has been happening at Gatehouse?

To find out more please click here and read Beard Construction’s latest report.

Francesca Orr,

Development and Alumnae Co-ordinator.