With the excitement of their official leaving celebrations behind them, Year 13 girls marked their very final day of school with the ever-popular ‘Muck-Up Day’ last Friday. Choosing St Trinian’s as their theme, the school buildings were be-decked, and younger girls arrived to find stairwells and corridors imaginatively strewn with St Trinian’s paraphernalia.

Assembly saw the girls process in costume, a motley and formidable crew, brought into line by the inimitable - and alarmingly convincing - Miss Hayward-Fritton. Former Head Girl Mathilda Craig introduced a touching film of the girls’ fondest memories from RHS, and in response, reflecting on the mixed emotions of bidding them farewell, Miss H-F delivered an epic valedictory poem. Every girl in the year was honoured in verse and special tribute and thanks were also given to Mr Evans and Miss Hendry, whose departure from the Sixth Form team will be another sweet sorrow at the end of this year.

We wish the girls every success as they embark on their exams.