In Thursday’s morning assembly at the Senior School, former RHS Head of history, Mrs Anne Ockwell, kindly joined us to talk about her latest project ‘Royal High School Bath, Past and Present’, a coffee-table style book shortly to be published in memory of our late Director of Finance and Operations, Rebecca Barrell thanks to the generosity of her parents, Mr and Mrs Gateshill.

Artfully researched and written by Anne, who taught at both the Royal School, Bath High School and the Royal High School Bath, a lively story is told supported by a wonderful selection of photographs and images from the School’s extensive archives and contributions from the School’s alumnae. The book will provide a fascinating compendium of life at our founding schools, and more recently RHS, crossing many generations.

We are delighted to announce that all current RHS families will receive a complimentary copy of the book, which will be given to the eldest daughter in each family for them to take home at the end of term.

‘Royal High School Bath, Past and Present’ will be launched at the Annual Annual Reunion and Summer Music Festival on Saturday 6th July 2018, when further copies will be available for purchase at £25 each (discounted staff price = £20).